more beer please.

Beer Alcohol and Calories:
Alcohol and Calorie Content of About 200 Popular Beers
Maintained by: binger@hsh.comAbout this Document...
Below are the results of a cooperative study completed by Mr. Lester Hankin, and the The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and the Excise Tax Division of the Connecticut Department of Revenue Service.The above mentioned FAQ maintiner *does not* know or have any relationship whatsoever with either Mr. Hankin or any Connecticut State Department. This FAQ results from the saving of a post to Usenet's in late 1993.
Special thanks to Mike Feustel
A request for updated informaton is being prepared and will be sent to the proper authorities. (1/95: still pending)
Copyright Info: I know of none, but assume that this data is copyrighted by the above mentioned parties. If an update can be secured, or even an original copy of the study be obtained, copyright information will be added at that time.
Consumption of beer in the United States is about 33 gallons per person per year based on persons over 18 years of age (6). In all, over six billion gallons of beer are produced each year in the United States (6,7).Generally three types of beer are sold: regular, light, and non-alcoholic. The term light intends to signify a product with less alcohol and fewer calories than regular beer. About 2-3 percent of beer sales are now of the light type (4). Non-alcoholic beer usually claims less than a half percent of alcohol and is intended for people who desire a product with little or no alcohol.
In all, 202 samples of beer were tested. The alcohol and calorie content for each sample are reported. In comparison to regular beer which averaged 5 percent alcohol and 43 calories per 100 ml, light and non-alcoholic beer averaged 16 and 94 percent less alcohol and 27 and 60 percent fewer calories, respectively.
Analysis of Beer
TABLE I--ALCOHOL AND CALORIE CONTENT OF BEERThe number in parenthesls ( ) indicates average difference from regular beer and numbers in brackets [] is the range of % alcohol and calories per 100 ml, respectlvely.
Brand/Brewer (Country) % Alcohol Calories
per 100 ml
Anchor Porter
Anchor (USA) 5.66 59
Anchor Steam Beer
Anchor (USA) 4.63 43
Asahi Draft Beer
Asahi (Japan) 5.21 41
Ballantine Prlvate Stock Malt Liquor
Narragansett (USA) 6.01 47
Ballantine Indla Pale Ale 6.17 53
Falstaff (USA) 6.61 55
Ballantine Premium Lager Beer
Falstaff (USA) 4.82 43
Ballantine XXX Ale 5.68 49
Falstaff (USA) 5.08 46
Bass & Co's Bale Ale 4.02 37
Bass (England) 5.51 45
4.95 41
Beamish Irish Cream Stout
Beamish - Crawford (Ireland) 3.73 37
Beck's Beer 5.13 43
Brauerei Beck (Germany) 5.13 42
Big Barrel Australian Lager 3.98 31
Cooper & Sons (Australia) 4.66 39
Black Horse Premium Draft Beer
Black Horse (USA) 4.74 45
Blatz Beer
G. Heileman (USA) 4.86 43
Blatz Milwaukee 1851 Beer
Blatz (USA) 4.48 38
Boulder Porter
Boulder (USA) 6.07 53
Budwelser King of Beers 4.82 40
Anheuser Busch (USA) 4.47 39
Busch Beer 4.98 42
Anheuser Busch (USA) 5.19 43
Carling Black Label Canadian 4.71 45
Style Beer G. Heileman (USA) 4.38 39
Cerveza Carta Blanca
Cerveceria Cauhtemoc (Mexlco) 4.02 36
Cerveza Tecate Beer 4.10 37
Cervecerla Cauhtemoc (Mexico) 4.49 41
Chester Golden A]e
Greenall Whitley (England) 5.43 44
Colt 45 Malt Liquor 5.53 45
G. Heileman (USA) 6.11 49
Coors Banquet Beer 4.81 39
Adolph Coors (USA) 5.03 41
Corona Extra Beer
Cereveria Modela SA (Mexico) 4.84 45
Dos Equis XX Imported Beer
Cauhtemoc (Mexico) 4.79 42
Dos Equis XX Special Lager
Cerveceria Montezuma (Mexico) 4.96 44
Dragon Stout
Desnoes - Goeddes (Jamaica) 6.79 62
Foster's Lager 5.25 42
Garlton & United (Australia) 5.06 44
Furstenberg German Beer
Fustlich Ferstenbergische 4.43 39
Genesee 12 Horse Ale 4.76 46
Genesee (USA) 4.98 44
Genesee Beer
Genesee (USA) 5.03 43
Genesee Cream Ale 4.9B 44
Genesee (USA) 4.70 42
George Killian's Irish Red Ale
Adolph Coors (USA) 5.79 50
George Killian's Irish Red Brand Beer
Adolph Coors (USA) 5.54 49
Great Wall Imported Chinese Beer
Green Bamboo (China) 4.63 45
Greenall's Cheshire English Pub Beer
Grecnall Whitley PLC (England) 5.00 40
Grizzly Canadian Lager 5.4B 43
Hamilton (Canada) 4.45 36
Grolsch Lager Beer 5.11 44
Grolsch Bierbrouweri (Holland) 5.17 44
5.16 43
5.37 44
Guinness Extra Stout
Gulnness (Ireland) 4.27 43
Harfenrefrer Private Stock Malt Llquor
Narragansett (USA) 6.87 50
Hamm's Beer
Pabst (USA) 4.53 40
Harp (mported Lager Beer 4.55 40
Harp (Ireland) 4.71 42
4.96 43
Heineken Lager Beer 5.41 47
Heineken (Holland) 5.41 45
Heineken Special Dark Beer
Heineken (Holland) 5.17 48
Hofenperle Special Feldschlosschen Bier
Feldsohlosschen Rheinfelden
(Switzerland) 5.28 45
Kaiserdom Rauchbier-Smoked Bavarlan Dark Beer
Bamberg Worner OHG (Germany) 5.88 49
Kirin Beer 6.85 53
Kirin (Japan) 5.27 43
Knickerbocker Natural Beer
Ruppert (USA) 4.16 38
Kronenbourg Beer 5.11 43
Kronenbourg (France) 4.83 42
Kronenbourg Imported Dark Beer 5.08 46
Kronenbourg (France)
Kuppers Kolsch
Kuppers (Germany) 5.38 45
LA Anheuser Busch Premlum Pilsner Beer
2.29(a) 26
Anheuser Busch (USA) 2.00(a) 29
Labatt's 50 Canadian Ale 5.34 43
Labatt (Canada)
Liberty Ale
Anchor (USA) 6.12 53
Lord Chesterrfeld Ale 5.40 30
D.G. Yuengling & Son (USA) 5.57 44
Lowenbrau Dark Special Beer
Miller (USA) 5.00 45
Lowenbrau Special Beer 5.12 45
Miller (USA) 5.03 44
McEwans Scotch Ale
Scottish & Newcastle (Scotland) 9.50 83
Michelob Beer 4.90 44
Anheuser Busch (USA) 4.99 45
Michelob Classic Dark Beer
Anheuser Busch (USA) 4.76 45
Michelob Classic Dark Beer
Anheuser Busch (USA) 4.93 45
Mickeys Fine Malt Liquor
G. Heileman (USA) 5.70 45
Miller High Life Beer 4.78 44
Miller (USA) 4.80 43
Miller High Life Genuine 4.68 42
Draft Beer, Miller (USA) 5.02 43
Molson Canadian Beer
Molson (Canada) 5.19 43
Molson Golden Beer 6.04 48
Molson (Canada) 5.22 43
Moosehead Canadian Lager Beer 5.08 43
Moosehead (Canada) 4.84 40
4.92 40
O'Keefe Canadian Beer 4.96 40
O'Reefe (Canada) 5.03 41
Olde English Brand 800 Malt Liquor 6.13 48
pabst (USA) 5.78 45
Old Milwaukee Beer 4.95 44
Stroh (USA) 4.51 41
Olympia Premium Lager Beer
Pabst (USA) 4.78 41
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer 4.50 39
Pabst (USA) 5.01 43
5.00 43
Piels Premium Draft Style Beer 4.84 43
Stroh (USA) 4.23 39
Pilsener Urquell Beer
Pilsener Urquell Pilzen 4.25 45
Red Strlpe Lager Beer 5.04 43
Desnoes & Geddes (Jamaica) 4.82 42
Red White & Blue Special Lager Beer
G. Heileman (USA) 5.15 43
Rheingold Premium Beer
Rheingold (USA) 4.78 42
Rolllng Rock Extra Pale Premium Beer
Latrobe (USA) 4.64 40
Rolling Rock Premlum Beer 4.51 34
Latrobe (USA) 4.27 38
Samuel Adams Boston Lager 4.67 50
Boston Beer (USA) 4.88 48
4.74 44
Schaefer Beer 4.66 40
Stroh (USA) 4.60 40
4.48 40
Schlitz Beer 4.70 41
Stroh (USA) 4.41 40
4.60 42
Schlitz Malt Liquor
Stroh (USA) 6.29 52
Sheaf Stout
Carlton & United (Australia) 5.28 49
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada (USA 4.82 45
Sierra Nevada Porter
Sierra Nevada (USA) 5.34 48
Sierra Nevada Stout
Sierra Nevada (USA) 5.10 56
Signature Stroh Beer
Stroh (USA) 4.84 43
Sol Cerveza Especial 3.94 36
Cerveceria Montezuma (Mexico) 4.13 37
Spaten Munich Special Dark Beer
Spaten-Brau (Germany) 6.63 52
St. Pauli Girl Beer 5.00 39
St. Pauli (Germany) 4.79 41
St. Pauli Girl Dark Beer 5.02 45
St. Pauli (Germany) 4.93 44
Stroh's Beer 4.64 41
Stroh (USA) 4.68 42
Suntory Draft Beer
Suntory (Japan) 4.64 39
Superior Imported Beer
Cerveceria Moctezuma (Mexico) 4.34 43
Thos Cooper & Sons Adelaide Lager
Cooper & Sons (Australia) 4.27 36
Thos Cooper & Sons Naturally Brewed Real Ale
Cooper & Sons (Australia) 6.77 45
Thos Cooper & Sons Naturally Brewed Stout
Cooper & Sons (Australla) 7.10 58
Tolly Origlnal Premium Ale
Tollei-ache & Cobbold 4.85 41
Tsingtao Beer
Tsingtao (China) 4.79 43
Tuborg Deluxe Dark Export Quality Beer
G. Heileman (USA) 5.11 46
Tuborg Export Quality Beer 5.02 45
G. Heileman (USA) 5.02 44
Tusker Malt Lager
Bia Ni Bora (Kenya) 5.24 42
Utica Club Pilsener Lager Beer
West End (USA) 4.82 27
Watney's Red Barrel Beer
Stag (England) 3.92 40
Wurzburger Hofbrau Pilsner Beer
Wurtzburger Hofbrauag 5.42 45
Yuengling Porter
D.G. Yuengllng & Son (USA) 4.13 40
Yuengllng Premium Beer
D.G. Yuengling & Son (USA) 4.65 39
4.11 39
(a) claims half the alcohol of regular beer
Brand BreHer (Country) % Alcohol Calorles
. per 100 ml
Amstel Light Bier 3.74 29
Amstel Brouwerij B.V. 3.96 28
Anheuser Busch Natural Light Beer 4.40 33
Anheuser Busch (USA) 4.12 31
Bud Light Beer 3.56 30
Anheuser Busch (USA) 3.88 33
Coors Llght Beer
Adolph Coors (USA) 4.36 30
Dribeck's Light Low Calorie Beer
Brauerei Beck (Germany) 3.39 28
Genesee Light Beer
Genesee (USA) 3.55 27
Michelob Light Beer 4.53 41
Anheuser Busch (USA) 4.52 39
Miller Lite Pilsner Beer 4.61 31
Mlller (USA) 4.40 29
Molson Light Beer
Molson (Canada) 2.41 23
Nordik Wolf Light Imported Beer 4.81 32
A.B. Pripps Bryggerier 4.70 31
Old Milwaukee Premium Light Beer
Stroh (USA) 3.82 32
Pabst Extra Light Low Alaohol Beer
Pabst (USA) 2.50(a) 19
Piels Naturally Light Beer
Stroh (USA) 4.49 40
Rheingold Extra Light Beer
Rheingold (USA) 4.32 27
Schaeler Light Lager Beer
Stroh (USA) 4.07 34
Schlitz Light Pilsner Beer
Stroh (USA) 4.28 31
Stroh Light Beer 4.91 42
Stroh (USA) 4.45 35
Watney's London Light Beer
Whatney Combe Reid (England) 3.56 29
Wurtzburger Hofbrau Pure Bavarian Light Beer
Wurtzburger Hofbrau Ag 5.44 43
(a) claims 50% less alcohol than regular beer
Brand Brewer (Country) % Alcohol Calories
. per 1OO ml
Bass Barbican Non-Alooholic Malt Beverage
Bass (England) 0.10 15
Clausthaler Non-Alcoholic Herbfrisches Schankbier
Bindlng Brauerei (Germany) 0.44 13
Clausthaler Hon-Alcoholic Herbfrlsches Schankbier
Bindlng Brauerel (Germany) 0.48 14
Elan Swiss Brew Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage
Feldschloschen (Switzerland) 0.50 25
Kallber All Natural Non-Alcoholic Brew Light Malt Beverage
Guinness (England) 0.10 14
Kingsbury Non-Alcoholic Malt Bev. 0.20 15
G. Heileman (USA) 0.10 14
0.10 13
Metbrau All Natural Draft Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage
Metropolls (USA) 0.50 21
Moussy Non-Alcohollc Malt Beverage 0.05 15
Cardlnal Filbourg (Switzerland) 0.10 16
Saint Michael's Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage
St. Michael's (USA) 0.73 17
Wurtzburger Hofbrau Non-Alcoholic Light Malt Beverage
Wurzberger Hofbrau Ag (Germany) 0.10 30
Product No. % AlcoholCalories
samples per 100 ml
Regular 163 5.0 [2.0-9.5] 43 [26-83]
Light 26 4.1 [2.4-5.4] 32 [19-43]
(-16%) (-27%)
Non-alcohollc 13 0.3 [0.1-0.7] 17 [13-30]
(-94%) (-60%)
Beer is a generic name for beverages made by fermentation of extracts of cereal grain, particularly barley, or other starchy material (1,8). Beer is a beverage known since antiquity and next to wine is probabLy the oldest of prepared food drinks. In modern times the countries of northern Europe set the style of beer as it appears today. In fact, the words "beer," "brewing," and "Lager" are all of German origin (1,8).Beer is defined in Connecticut Statutes (2) as any beverage obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of barley, malt and hops in drinking water and containing more than one-half of one percent of absolute alcohol. Taxes on beer sold in Connecticut are collected by the Excise Tax Division of the Department of Revenue Services at the rate of $3 per barrel (not less than 28 nor more than 31 gallons per barrel).
Samples were collected at wholesale beer distributors in Connecticut by inspectors of the Excise Tax Division of the Department of Revenue Services during April and May, 1987. Analysis for alcohol content was by AOAC methods (5) using gas chromatography (3). Proteins, ash, and solids were analyzed by AOAC methods (5). Carbohydrate content was calculated as percent total solids - (% protein + % ash) Calories were calculated as (% alcohoL X 6.93) + ((96 carbohydrate + %protein) X 4) (3). Duplicate analyses for alcohol in the same container of beer showed an average deviation of 0.057 percent and duplicates for protein 0.05 percent.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Of the 202 samples tested, 163 were regular beer (Table 1), 26 were light beer (Table 2), and 13 were non-alcoholic beer (Table 3). These represented 81, 19 and 9 different brands of regular, light, and nonalcoholic beer, respectively. Each Table lists the brand name of the beer, the name of the brewer, the country of origin, alcohol content, and the calories per 100 ml (milliliters) (3.5 ounces).Alcohol in regular, light, and non-alcoholic beer averaged 5.0, 4.1, and 0.3 percent, respectively (Table 4). Calories in regular, light and non-alcoholic beer averaged 43, 32, and 17 per 100 ml, respectively. The range in values for alcohol and calories was wide. Alcohol in regular beer ranged from 1.0 to 9.5 percent, while light beer ranged from 2.4 to 5.4 percent and non-alcoholic beer from 0.1 to 0.7 percent. Similarly, calories varied among all types of beer. Some variation was noted in alcohol content among different containers of the same type of beer. A dilference of 1.5 percent was found in one type of regular beer and 1.6 percent in another. Although the labels showed no code numbers, each container of beer is likely from a different manufacturing batch.
A comparison of alcohol and calorie content between regular and light beer from the same manufacturer can be made by examining Tables 1 and 2. For example, eight regular beers made by Anheuser Busch (does not include beer claiming half the amount of alcohol as regular beer) averaged 5.11 percent alcohol. Four light beers from the same manufacturer averaged 4.17 percent, 15 percent less than found in the regular beer. Calories in the same Anheuser Busch regular beer averaged 44 per 100 ml and 35 in light beer, or 20 percent lower calories. Similar comparisons may be made for other manufacturers.
Analyses were by Lucia McLean, Dr. Vipin Agarwal, Lois Hornig, Deborah Behnfield, and John Hayes. Arrangements and collections of samples were made by Pasquale Oronzo, James Pyne, and Robert Brown of the Excise Tax Division.REFERENCES
1. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Vol. 1, 15th edition, 1974, Chicago, IL.2. General Statutes of the State of Connecticut. revised January 1, 1987, sections 12-433 and 435.
3. Hankin, L. 1986. Analysis of wine and beer coolers. Bulletin 840, CT Agricultural Experiment Station.
4, Messenger, B. 1988. Coors Target: Beer across America. Prepared Foods 157:58-61.
5. Official Methods of Analysis. 1984. 14th edition, S. Williams (ed.). Assoc. Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.
6. Statistical Abstracts ol the United States. 1985 105th edition, Washington, DC.
7. Statistical release Dept. of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. ATF R A:I 5130-2.
8. The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products edition. M.B. Jacobs (ed.). 1951. Interscience Publishers, Analysis of Beer.