this birdy has gone to heaven

death, funny papers, and vapors. In this day and age you must, and I strongly emphasize the word must, have a healthy since of humor. Yeah I know people grow up in different places, have different cultures, and are raised differently. However, even if you have gone through some serious trials and or tribulations; I believe to get past those things an individual needs to be able to look back at whatever trial or tribulation they went through and laugh at it, or at least laugh with it. The way I see it is simple... life can suck, but whoever is born, and I don't care who it is, they are privileged to have the opportunity to laugh, fight, cry, and love. If they were never born they would never know shit! They would never know how joyous or how sickening life can be. They would never ever ever ever know the crazy, inane, insane circumstances that the human animal can get into! With all the wrong in the world, sometimes laughing at it just seems right.
Now that I got my first ever blog off of my chest, I welcome all of the potential thumbnail addicts and freedom seekers to become, "ADDICTED TO THUMBNAILS."